Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sky Captain and the world of too much talking

As I approached the theater, God attempted to save me. God came in the form of a PR man handing out free tickets to another movie, "Wimbledon." After handing me a pass for two, he would not take it back.
"Give it to somebody else."
Now, all of a sudden, I'm a PR guy for Wimbledon, trying to pass off this free pass. Guerilla marketing, I suppose. Or maybe Viral Marketing. I saw a likely looking couple and handed them the pass. They actually looked happy and entered the theater, apparently on their way to see Wimbledon. Me, I was waiting to get into the press screening for "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"
A man walked up, after I had given away the pass. He immediately asked if I could hook him up. I told him I'd only had one pass, and as it was for two, I wanted to hand it to a couple. We made a couple jokes, then I saw the PR guy floating around.
"You can probably get a pass from that guy," I said.
"What's it for?" he asked.
"Wimbledon," I said.
"Wimbledon?" he asked, eyebrows arching, "I"m a black guy."
He was also angling to get into Sky Captain. Technically, I'm not a black guy, but I'd have to agree that something about the movie, Wimbledon, screams "Too romantic, too upper-class, too white."
Of course I was wrong about Sky Captain. (If I review it, you can probably find my review at So maybe if I was dragged screaming into Wimbledon I might enjoy it at the time, laughing as I did during much of Notting Hill. But afterwards, I would hat myself.
-dan jeffers


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